Hola Amigos, 

It’s never too late for a new year’s resolution, and learning a language is one that can be entertaining and educational.  Spanish is the fourth most widely spoken language in the world, so if you are a traveler or would like to become one, the chances of visiting a place where Spanish is spoken are high. Here are the countries where Spanish is spoken as a primary language. Remember, Spanish is not just a language; it is a learned life skill. 

  • Argentina  
  • Bolivia
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Cuba
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
  • Equatorial Guinea  
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Mexico
  • Nicaragua
  • Panama
  • Paraguay
  • Puerto Rico
  • Spain
  • Uruguay
  • Venezuela

So today, let’s learn the Spanish alphabet pronunciation

letter name pronunciation use your translation 
ah gato cat 
be bay barco  
ce say cama 
centro, cien 
de day diente  
efe effay farmacia  
ge hay gallina 
hache achay hoja  
i latina ee vida  
jota hota juegos  
ka ka kilo  
ele el- lay loteria  
ll elle ay- yay lluvia  
eme eh- may mango  
ene eh- nay nadar  
ñ eñe en- yay Español  
pe pay pan  
cu koo quieto  
erre er -ay ruido  
rr erre doble er- ray carro  
ese es- say subir  
te tay triunfo  
ooh pauta 
uve vay valiente  
uve doble do-blay vay –  
equis ay-kees Mexico  
ye (i griega) e-gree-ay-ga Yo-yo 
ceta say-ta zanahoria  

Once a week, I will be posting a Spanish challenge to build your vocabulary and reach a conversational level of the language that counts with 450 million native speakers. 

Please remember to log in to KCKPL’s eCommunity for books, databases, and more. 

Hoopla ebooks 

Spanish Fundamentals 1 

Spanish Vocabulary 

Spanish Verbs 

Language Learning database 
